4Rivers is Sweet!
4Rivers is Sweet
Our Executive Director, Betsey, and our Program and Volunteer Manager, Lauren, presented a plaque to John Rivers and the amazing team at 4Rivers Sweet Shop for their support of our Celebration Club. The 4Rivers Sweet Shop creates the most beautiful and thoughtful cakes to help foster youth celebrate their birthday. Thank you to everyone at The 4Rivers Sweet Shop for helping to create happier birthdays for children in foster care! With continued support from 4Rivers and organizations like it, the Foundation will be able to support foster youth in Central Florida for years to come.
About the Celebration Club
The Foundation established the Celebration Club to encourage normalcy in the lives of foster children. Thereby ensuring that the children do not miss out on recognizing one of the most important days of their year – their own birthday. For some foster children, being in foster care means that their birthday is just like any other day: no cake, no cards, no presents. In addition, the Celebration Club helps foster youth celebrate graduations and other achievements with a cake and small gift. The Celebration Club strives to ensure that those foster children who might otherwise not be recognized on their special day have the chance to celebrate.