We love the Blanketeers!

The Blanketeers

Our Program and Volunteer Manager, Lauren, met with the Blanketeers to present them with a photo collage of all the foster youth who have benefited from their donations of scarves, blankets, bibs, and more! We have witnessed the comfort that a soft handmade blanket provides and we are so grateful for their support.

Blanketeers April 29 2016

Following a similar project from Disneyland, the Blanketeers are a group of volunteers working at Disney World. During their free time, they sew, crochet, knit, and quilt items for donation. Over eighty volunteers work together to contribute their skills and their time to the community!

The Blanketeers have worked for years on projects to donate. In 2017 alone, they created and donated over 8,500 items to local shelters and nonprofits in Central Florida! Their generosity has allowed children to stay warm at night, or helped mothers dress their newborns when they can’t afford clothes. Thanks to them, our foster children have beautifully crafted blankets and quilts to call their own.

To read more about the Blanketeers, check out the Orlando Sentinel’s report on their incredible efforts.

If you or your organization would like to contribute your skills to the FFC, you can inquire here! We’d love to hear from you.