Event Aquatica Tuesday May 28th Step 1 of 2 50% Aquatica - Tuesday, May 28thStudent Name(Required) First Last Date of birth(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Student Phone(Required)Student Email(Required) Liability FormWho is filling out this Libility Form?(Required)Student (Self over 18 years old)Caregiver on behalf of an under 18 year old studentCaregiver Name(Required) First Last Student Name(Required) First Last Liability Waiver Form(Required) I hereby acknowledge that I am voluntarily participating in the Foundation for Foster Children's event at Aquatica, scheduled for Tuesday, May 28th, 2024. In consideration for being permitted to participate in this event, I hereby agree to release, indemnify, and hold harmless the Foundation for Foster Children, its directors, officers, employees, volunteers, and agents from any and all liability, claims, demands, actions, and causes of action whatsoever, arising out of or related to any loss, damage, or injury, including death, that may be sustained by me, or to any property belonging to me, while participating in the event. I understand and acknowledge that participating in this event may involve certain risks, including but not limited to, those caused by terrain, facilities, temperature, weather, condition of participants, equipment, vehicular traffic, lack of hydration, and actions of other people, including but not limited to, participants, volunteers, spectators, coaches, event officials, and event monitors. I certify that I am physically fit, have sufficiently prepared or trained for participation in this event, and have not been advised to not participate by a qualified medical professional. I acknowledge that this liability waiver will remain in full force and effect even if I am injured or damaged in any way during the event, or if my property is damaged or lost. I hereby grant permission to the Foundation for Foster Children and its affiliates to use any photographs, videotapes, motion pictures, recordings, or any other record of this event for any legitimate purpose. I have read this liability waiver and fully understand its terms, and I understand that I am giving up substantial rights, including my right to sue. I acknowledge that I am signing the agreement freely and voluntarily, and intend by my signature to be a complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extent allowed by law.Signature(Required)Electronic Signature(Required) I accept this electronic signature Photo and Media ReleasePhoto and Media Consent(Required) I do give consent I do not give consent I do not have permission to provide consent I do give consent I hereby grant permission to the Foundation for Foster Children and its affiliates to use any photographs, videotapes, motion pictures, recordings, or any other record of the event at Aquatica scheduled for Friday, March 22nd, 2024, in which I may appear. I understand that these materials may be used for any legitimate purpose, including but not limited to, publicity, advertising, marketing, and social media. I hereby waive any right to inspect or approve the finished photographs or electronic matter that may be used in conjunction with them now or in the future, whether that use is known to me or unknown, and I waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising from or related to the use of the photographs or electronic matter. I acknowledge that the Foundation for Foster Children and its affiliates will own all rights to the photographs or electronic matter and may use them without any further approval from or compensation to me. I have read this photo release form and fully understand its terms. I acknowledge that I am signing the agreement freely and voluntarily.Signature(Required)Electronic Signature I accept this electronic signature