Case Staffing The purpose of case staffing’s is to gain insight into what Advocacy looks like for students, what their goals are, how advocates have supported those goals, and any outside factors keeping student from achieving these goals. Finally, Case Staffing’s are an opportunity for Senior Advocates to provide feedback/support/next steps to Advocates regarding their cases.Name of the person completing the report First Last Month ReportedJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberYouth Name Was youth transferred in the past month?YesNoIf yes, please explainWas youth discharged in the past month?YesNoIf yes, please explainYouth's overall advocacy goal(s) - include any needs or challengesActions (Advocates efforts to help student achieve their advocacy goals)What does communication with multidisciplinary team look like?Coaching (provide feedback and strategies for advocate)Last months life skills proficiency level1 – Just beginning to understand the topic2- Demonstrates minimal understanding3- Demonstrates moderate understanding4- Demonstrates adequate understanding5-Mastery of the topicThis months life skills proficiency level1 – Just beginning to understand the topic2- Demonstrates minimal understanding3- Demonstrates moderate understanding4- Demonstrates adequate understanding5-Mastery of the topicWhat application to life skills were implemented in the past month?Next steps from Sr. AdvocateSection BreakDo you need to submit another case staffing form? Yes No