Casey Life Skills Assessment 1Basic Information2Daily Living3Self Care4Relationships and Communication5Housing & Money Management6Work and Study Life7Career and Education Planning8Looking Forward9Confirmation Name First Last Email Please Select your AdvocateAlivia GonzalezCarmen MoralesBryon BrownFrank AltomariSarah FalkKeely RickettsAndrew SpeersDaniela SantosValerie AlexisAndy LewallenJoseph BurnettRebecca JacksonAdrianna ButeraQuintyn FlemisterKimberly NassifShanovah Moodie-WalkerGavin FarringtonDate Assessment is being Completed MM slash DD slash YYYY Daily LivingAre the following statements like meI know where to go to get on the Internet. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I can find what I need on the Internet. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I know how to use my email account. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I can create, save, print, and send computer documents. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I know the risks of meeting someone in person that I met online. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I would not post pictures or messages if I thought it would hurt someone's feelings. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes If someone sent me messages online that made me feel bad or scared, I would know what to do or who to tell. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I know at least one adult, other than my worker, who would take my call in the middle of the night if I had an emergency. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes An adult I trust, other than my worker, checks in with me regularly. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes When I shop for food, I take a list and I compare prices. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I can make meals with or without using a recipe. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I think about what I eat and how it impacts my health. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I understand how to read food product labels to see how much fat, sugar, salt, and calories the food has. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I know how to do my own laundry. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I keep my living space clean. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I know the products to use when cleaning the bathroom and kitchen. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I know how to use a fire extinguisher. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes Self CareAre the following statements like meI can take care of my own minor injuries and illnesses. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I can get medical and dental care when I need it. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I know how to make my own medical and dental appointments. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I know when I should go to the emergency room instead of the doctor’s office. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I know my family medical history. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I know how to get health insurance when I am older than 18. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I have at least one trusted adult who would visit me if I were in the hospital. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes There is at least one adult I trust who would be legally allowed to make medical decisions for me and advocate for me if I was unable to speak for myself. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I know how to get the benefits I am eligible for, such as Social Security, Medicaid, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), and Education and Training Vouchers (ETV). No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I bathe (wash up) daily. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I brush my teeth daily. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I know how to get myself away from harmful situations. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I have a place to go when I feel unsafe. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I can turn down a sexual advance. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I know ways to protect myself from sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I know how to prevent getting pregnant or getting someone else pregnant. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I know where to go to get information on sex or pregnancy. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes Relationships and CommunicationAre the following statements like meI can speak up for myself. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I know how to act in social or professional situations. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I know how to show respect to people with different beliefs, opinions, and cultures. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I can describe my racial and ethnic identity. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I can explain the difference between sexual orientation and gender identity. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I have friends I like to be with who help me feel valued and worthwhile. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I am a part of a family and we care about each other. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I can get in touch with at least one family member when I want to. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I have friends or family to spend time with on holidays and special occasions. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I know at least one adult I can depend on when I exit care. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I know an adult who could be a grandparent, aunt or uncle to my children now or my future children. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes My relationships are free from hitting, slapping, shoving, being made fun of, or name calling. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I know the signs of an abusive relationship. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I know what my legal permanency goal is. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I have information about my family members. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I think about how my choices impact others. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I can deal with anger without hurting others or damaging things. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I show others that I care about them. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes Housing & Money ManagementAre the following statements like meI understand how interest rates work on loans or credit purchases. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I understand the disadvantages of making purchases with my credit card. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I know the importance of a good credit score. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I know how to balance my bank account. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I put money in my savings account when I can. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I know an adult who would help me if I had a financial emergency. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I use online banking to keep track of my money. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I know the advantages and disadvantages of using a check cashing or payday loan store. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I know how to find safe and affordable housing. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I can figure out the costs to move to a new place, such as deposits, rents, utilities, and furniture. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I know how to fill out an apartment rental application. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I know how to get emergency help to pay for water, electricity, and gas bills. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I know what can happen if I break my rental lease. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I can explain why people need renter’s or homeowner’s insurance. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I know an adult I could live with for a few days or weeks if I needed to. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes There is at least one adult that I have regular contact with, other than my case manager or other professional, who lives in stable and safe housing. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I know an adult I can go to for financial advice. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I plan for the expenses that I must pay each month. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I keep records of the money I am paid and the bills I pay. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I know what happens in my state if I am caught driving without car insurance or a driver’s license. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I can explain how to get and renew a driver’s license or state ID card. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I can figure out all the costs of car ownership, such as registration, repairs, insurance, and gas. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I know how to use public transportation to get where I need to go. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes Work and Study LifeAre the following statements like meI know how to develop a resume. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I know how to fill out a job application. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I know how to prepare for a job interview. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I know what the information on a pay stub means. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I can fill out a W-4 payroll exemption form when I get a job. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I know what employee benefits are. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I know what sexual harassment and discrimination are. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I know the reasons why my personal contacts are important for finding a job. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I know how to get the documents I need for work, such as my Social Security card and birth certificate. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I know how and when I can see my child welfare or juvenile justice records. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I know an adult who will go with me if I need to change schools. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I know how to get help from my school’s mental health services. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I know where I can get help with an income tax form. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I have an adult in my life who cares about how I am doing at school or work. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I can take criticism and direction at school or work without losing my temper. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I know how to prepare for exams and/or presentations. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I know where I can get tutoring or other help with school work. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I look over my work for mistakes. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I get to school or work on time. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I get my work done and turned in on time. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes Career and Education PlanningAre the following statements like meI know how to find work-related internships. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I know where to find information about job training. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I can explain the benefits of doing volunteer work. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I have recently talked to an adult who works in a job I would like to have. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I know what type (college, trade school) education I need for the work I want to do. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I know how to get into the school, training, or job I want after high school. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I know how to find financial aid to help pay for my education or training. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I have talked about my education plans with an adult who cares about me. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I know an adult who will help me apply for training or education after high school. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes Looking ForwardAre the following statements like meI believe I can influence how my life will turn out. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I can describe my vision for myself as a successful adult. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I have a good relationship with a trusted adult I like and respect. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I would like to use my experience to help other youth. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I believe my relationships with others will help me succeed. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes I feel I am ready for the next phase of my life. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes Most days, I am proud of the way I am living my life. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes Most days, I feel I have control of how my life will turn out. No Mostly No Somewhat Mostly Yes Yes {all_fields}